We understand that our students may have part-time or full-time jobs, family obligations or other instances that make going to school during the day difficult. We offer evening and online classes to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to get the education they are passionate about.
When working in a technical trade, classroom education alone just won’t cut it. We combine traditional education with on-the-job simulated training so you have experience working in an environment similar to those you’ll work at in the future.
AAI is an affordable education option for vocational trades. Each new student is able to sit down with our financial advisors and learn about financial aid, scholarships and grants that help fund their future dreams.
*Financial aid is available to those who qualify.
AAI is here to get your career in the trade industry started, but our support doesn’t stop once you’ve completed your program. Our alumni and career services department help you build connections and network for new opportunities long after you’ve wrapped up your studies.
Program accredited
by the National Center for
Construction Education and Research.
Program accredited
by the National Center for
Construction Education and Research.